Our Offerings

1-For graduate students, we have a graduate certificate and a masters degree in Engineering Education. These degrees are awarded by the College of Engineering. We plan a future Ph D in Engineering Education. Graduate students are also frequently interested in taking our EED501 and 502 courses as an introduction to teaching, if they plan to pursue an academic career.

2-We offer graduate level courses in engineering education. These courses are suitable for any engineering student who is an advanced undergraduate or graduate student. They introduce educational theory and practice concepts with a specific focus on teaching undergraduate engineering. These courses are available both in person and online, and work well for community college faculty who desire to teach transferable engineering courses as well. Look for the EED prefix!

3-For undergraduate students, there is an undergraduate minor. In addition, the EED411/511 course counts as a US Diversity course with Interdisciplinary Perspectives.


EED 501Teaching Undergraduate EngineersFall
EED 502Engineering Education: Content, Assessment, and PedagogySpring
EED 509Field Experiences in Engineering Education (Rwanda)Maymester
EED 511Diversity and Social Justice in Engineering EducationFall
Courses fulfill technical elective requirements for many undergraduate engineering degrees. Check with your advisor!


The Engineering Education Program offers a Masters degree in Engineering Education. We hope to offer a corresponding PhD soon, but, in the mean time, students can enroll in a Ph D in an engineering department and work with us on an education-focused project. Both degrees will be granted from the College of Engineering, but the faculty who teach the required courses are from both the Colleges of Engineering and Education. The Ph D degree will be submitted for approval shortly.

The M.S. in Engineering Education brings two colleges together to administer a joint degree program. Students who have a degree (or equivalent hours of coursework) in engineering (or related field) are eligible to enroll in the program, which will equip them to engage in a variety of roles: engineering higher education adviser, community college instructor, engineering outreach services director, or entrepreneurship.  Additionally, the M.S. in Engineering Education prepares students to continue to a Ph. D. in Engineering in preparation for becoming departmental engineering faculty, either teaching or research. The coursework is delivered on campus and offered simultaneously online, both synchronous and asynchronous.


For graduate students in the College of Engineering who desire to have preparation in teaching undergraduate engineering courses, we have a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Education.

For undergraduate students who desire to explore Engineering Education as a possible career path, an undergraduate minor of four courses is available.


The Colleges of Engineering and Education jointly offer a Graduate Certificate Program (GCP) in Engineering Education. The program is intended for both working professionals, such as community college educators and working engineers who have teaching engineering topics as a part of their job responsibilities, and graduate students enrolled at NC State. Individuals who enroll in the program must have backgrounds in at least one field of engineering, applied mathematics, and/or engineering physics , and would select the program to provide distinction in their academic records that may improve career prospects. Students who wish to pursue a traditional engineering academic career may also choose to take the certificate to enhance their employability at a wider range of institutions and to prepare themselves for educating 21st century engineers.

We enroll both on-campus, and distance education students through Engineering Online (EOL) (including practicing professionals). The GCP will be attractive to individuals who work (or wish to work) in engineering education in academia or industry around the country. This includes engineering graduates who wish to become a tenure track professor and wish to bolster their teaching skills and engineering professionals who want to make a career transition from industry into academia. The course offerings have been structured such that students may tailor it to their individual goals. Each student will choose a minimum of four courses.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Engineering Education Graduate Certificate Program, students will be able to:

  • Create and interpret learning goals and objectives for undergraduate engineering courses.
  • Evaluate a course relative to its importance in a program of study within an engineering discipline.
  • Identify how diverse characteristics of learners interact with course objectives (including principles of universal design).
  • Create assessments that effectively measure student learning relative to course objectives.
  • Describe and apply the attributes of effective teaching for college-level engineering courses.
  • Identify and apply criteria that drive engineering teaching and curriculum development.
  • Identify diverse characteristics of learners, and generate ideas on how to effectively teach and include different types of students in engineering.
  • Identify the skills and knowledge that engineering students need to develop to prepare them for successful careers.
  • Describe and demonstrate different active teaching approaches.
  • Design and execute lesson plans and learning activities for undergraduate engineering courses.
  • Interpret current trends and literature in engineering education.

Return to Engineering Education home page.https://eed.engr.ncsu.edu/